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The 16th Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking (BMEB)
International Conference and Call for Papers
August 25 – 26, 2022, Semarang, Indonesia
The region’s premier institution, Bank Indonesia Institute – Bank Indonesia, is pleased to host the 16th Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking (BMEB) International Conference and Call for Papers on “Synergy of Economic Policy and Innovation in Driving Momentum for Sustainable Global Economic Recovery in the Era of Digital Transformation” in collaboration with the Asia-Pacific Applied Economics Association (APAEA). This theme is relevant given the need for innovation in light of a period of sustained financial and economic stress due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As part of this innovation toward recovery, digital transformation is perceived as a panacea. This call for paper encourages papers that (a) evaluate and discuss synergies between economic policies (both monetary and fiscal) in economic recovery, (b) examine the role of innovations, including innovations to digital transformation in economic growth and development, and (c) examine and evaluate the relationship between innovation/economic policies in maintaining stability, sustaining growth, and promoting equitable welfare.